Monday, July 22, 2013

About Us

Hi everyone!  I'm participating in a little blog challenge this week from Jenna at Jenna's Journey.  Today's topic is About Us.  I shared this information early on but a refresher is always good.  I am Becca.  I am a Registered Nurse in Culpeper, VA.  I enjoy cooking, crafting, blogging, bowling, traveling and spending time with my friends and family.  Here you will find updates about myself, my boyfriend Eric and our lab puppy Layla Jane.
Eric and I love to cook and experiment with new recipes.  We primarily blog about cooking and recipes, our herb and vegetable gardening attempts, and our local CSA.  Sometimes we share other little tidbits from our life as well.  So please read along with us, follow this blog on Bloglovin or find me on Twitter or Instagram.
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  1. Made my way over from Jenna's commenting challenge. I am impressed that you have a vegetable and herb garden. I am extremely impressed with people who can grow things.

    Kelly @

    1. Thanks for visiting, I checked out your blog as well!

  2. I love to cook too! I am hoping to start back up at gardening soon. Nothing better than picking things straight from your yard!

    1. Walking outside to pick something fresh for dinner is the absolute best! Thanks for visiting!

  3. I came over from Jenna's, and your pup is a cutie! I'm the mom to a golden retriever and a Lab/golden mix we rescued from Kansas as well as a little girl. They keep me busy, and so far I've stepped on more nylabones than legos!

    1. I love golden retrievers as well. I had one growing up. And I can attest that a chewed up nylabone under the foot can be quite painful. Thanks for visiting!

  4. I'm visiting from Jenna's commenting challenge. Your pup is adorable!!! I enjoy cooking also and wished that I had a garden. Maybe next year. I sort of have a brown thumb.

    1. Karmen, Last year we tried to grow vegetables and herbs in a container garden and they were an utter failure. I think this year's success is largely due to our raised planter boxes that Eric made. You can see them in my herbs and veggies post to the right. I highly recommend some type of raised planter boxes and have seen tons of tutorials floating around the web to create them. Good luck next year! Thanks for stopping by.

  5. Thanks for stopping by! You have a beautiful!

  6. I love your pup dog! We are the southwestern end of VA so we are in the part past Roanoke that no one knows about!!! I look forward to reading more ! (when I'm home and have a better internet connection!) Thanks for checking out my blog!

  7. Hey, I hopped over here to check out your blog. Sweet puppy! She's so cute. Does she have a lot of energy? We have some friends who have a black lab and when he was a puppy he had SO much energy!

    1. SOOOO much energy. It's neverending and some days I wish for her to reach a calmer age but then I think I will miss how fun she is right now
