Friday, August 9, 2013

5 on Friday

I'm linking up with several other bloggers for 5 on Friday today.  I usually post recipes and on Friday's we almost always go out to dinner unless I have to work that night so I don't have a recipe to share.  This is a way to share 5 random happenings, thoughts, things I like, etc...

[one]  If you read here regularly you know that Eric & I are slightly obsessed with our puppy Layla Jane.  Although you can't really call her a puppy (or little) anymore since she is 1 1/2 and weighs about 70 lbs.  I just can't help myself and am constantly snapping pictures of her.  I took this one yesterday because you could see the flower on her collar which I have never caught a good shot of before.  I love this collar.  I bought it from a cute little Etsy shop called Collars by Design.  This is Layla's 2nd collar from there and it has held up really well.

[two] I'm sad that all my teacher friends are going back to work on Monday.  Since I work nights and three 12 hour shifts a week, I love having my friends off during the summer to hang out with.  I had one last summer day with my friend Terra (& HG) yesterday to Fredericksburg for lunch and a Costco and Wegman's shopping trip.  It was my first trip ever to Wegman's and it probably a good thing that the closest ones are 45 minutes away because Eric and I would be so poor if there was one close enough to shop at regularly.

[three] I'm going on a trip to Savannah, GA in November with my mom, gramma and aunts and am so excited.  I've never been to Savannah before and it (along with Charleston, SC) has been on the top of my list of places to travel for as long as I can remember.  I am always reading interesting things in my Southern Living and Garden & Gun magazines that make me want to go.  Does anyone have any ideas of what we should do/see/eat while we are in Savannah?

[four]  I went to the library today and picked up a few new books.  I have been trying to save money by not buying so many books on my Kindle lately which isn't easy.  I'm currently reading Revenge Wears Prada

[five] A few of my very best friends are expecting babies in the next few months and I have some sewing projects up my sleeve.  I love to give hand made baby gifts.  Today when I got home from running errands I found this on my porch which means it is time to get started...

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