Sunday, August 25, 2013

Cucumber Dill Salad

As per usual, I saw this recipe for Fresh Dill and Cucumber Salad on Pinterest.  I made some changes based on what I had and what I didn't.  It happens to be a clean eating recipe as well for those that do clean eating.  I had a few cucumbers from our CSA to use so I halved the original recipe and changed a few things around.  If you want a bigger/normal size recipe, just double the ingredients or refer to the original recipe.  This recipe is very easy and we all know I like simple recipes - the more ingredients and steps, the less likely I am to try it.  That's where Eric and I differ...he loves to cook complicated things.  We had this at the lake on Saturday as a side.

2-3 cucumbers
1/8 C white wine vinegar
1/2 tsp raw honey
1/2 tsp olive oil (original recipe uses safflowerL oil)
1 clove garlic, diced
1/8 tsp sea salt
1/4+ C fresh dill, roughly chopped

Step 1.  Slice the cucumbers.

Step 2.  Mix all other ingredients together in a bowl.

Step 3. Pour the mixture over the cucumbers and toss to coat.  I just put this all in a tupperware on Friday and shook it to mix it together.  That way I could just pack it as is to go to the lake and shake it up again before serving.  (Sorry for the blurry pic)
 photo dinner-signature_zpsccb424d2.jpg 
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1 comment:

  1. It looks delicious! I'm not a HUGE fan of dill (minus dill pickle chips ha!) but it's growing on me! I may need to try this!
