Thursday, July 25, 2013

Grilled Eggplant Pizza

I saw this recipe on a blog I read called The Blond Cook.  It looked so good, plus I had an eggplant to use so I knew I needed to try it.  We had this for dinner on Tuesday night and we both loved it.  This will definitely go into the rotation of things we eat regularly.
1 Pillsbury whole grain artisan pizza crust (with the crescent rolls at the store)
1 eggplant
3 T olive oil
Italian seasoning
Pizza Sauce
Italian blend cheese
Baby bell peppers (I used 3 for color variety but you could use 1 regular bell pepper instead)
Handful of fresh basil

Slice eggplant.  Coat with olive oil and Italian seasoning.
Thinly slice bell peppers.
Grill eggplant slices and remove from grill.
Place Pillsbury pizza crust directly on grill.  We sprayed with a little cooking spray first.  Grill a few minutes on each side until cooked through.
Place cooked pizza crust on a sheet of aluminum foil that has been sprayed with cooking spray.  Cover with thin spread of pizza sauce and cheese.
Top with eggplant slices, then pepper slices.
Cover with cheese, chopped basil & sprinkle with Italian seasoning.
Place pizza back on grill with lid covered for a few minutes until cheese is melted.
Cut in squares and serve!  This pizza was delicious!  You could make so many different types of pizza this way.  This one is relatively healthy but the options are endless...
Meanwhile Layla was patiently waiting for scraps to drop on the floor.  She did get one slice of eggplant.

This is day 4 of participating in Jenna's blog challenge.

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