Sunday, August 4, 2013

BBQ Chicken Pizza & a Weekend at the Lake

We spent the weekend at the lake with some friends.  We had a great weekend and I only wish we could do it more.  Friday night Eric and I headed down to the lake before everyone else to get the house opened up and ready for the weekend.  We decided to grill pizzas after our experience with the Grilled Eggplant Pizza a couple weeks ago that we liked so much.  We made 2 pizzas because we wanted totally different types of pizza.  Eric made his with turkey pepperoni, roasted red peppers and banana peppers but I wanted to try grilling BBQ Chicken Pizza.  Growing up whenever we went shopping at Tyson's Corner Mall, my friends and I would always want to go eat at the Rainforest Cafe or California Pizza Kitchen.  This is my version of California Pizza Kitchen's BBQ Chicken Pizza which I have always loved. I didn't look at their recipe so I'm not sure if it's actually the same but it was good and that is all that matters.  
1 Pillsbury Artisan Pizza Crust
1/4 C BBQ sauce (our favorite is Bone Suckin' Sauce, Thicker Style BBQ)
1/4-1/2 C Italian Blend cheese
1/8 C diced red onion
3 T cilantro, chopped
4 oz. grilled chicken, diced (to save time I bought a package of pre-grilled chicken strips and diced them)
(All measurements are approximations as I did not measure anything and more or less of each could be used to your liking)

First prepare the crust on the grill.  Grill each side for 2-3 minutes, being careful not to burn the crust.
Top with BBQ sauce, cheese, onion, cilantro, chicken and more cheese.
Place on greased aluminum foil and place back on grill with the lid closed until the cheese is melted and toppings are warm.

Layla, always the picky eater, stole an eggplant off the counter and had that...

And I thought I'd share some pictures of us out on the boat on Friday.  

 photo dinner-signature_zpsccb424d2.jpg
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  1. Mmm BBQ pizza! I've gotta try this before the end of BBQ season!

  2. Hmmm. Pizza! I'm loving the simplicity of your recipe. It makes the pizza making easier without sacrificing any of that BBQ deliciousness. I can't wait to try that one out. That boat ride looks fun, BTW! All the best! :)

    James Moore @ Lin’s Buffet
