Friday, August 30, 2013

5 on Friday!

It's Friday again and 5 on Friday is quickly becoming one of my favorite types of blog to post.  I love reading these posts on several other blogs and I hope you enjoy mine as well.
I finally got started on all the sewing projects I had mentioned a few weeks ago.  My kitchen table becomes my sewing table when I am working on a project so it currently looks like this. 
I plan to post back at the end of September to share pictures of my finished projects and tutorials on how to make them after I have gifted them all out.   I posted a burp cloth tutorial here once before and it was one of my most viewed posts despite the fact that I normally post about cooking. You can view that tutorial here.

Eric is having his wisdom teeth pulled this morning so I will be playing nurse at home for a few days.  He requested mashed potatoes to eat so I will try to come back and share a recipe for loaded mashed potatoes.  I remember when I got my wisdom teeth taken out back in high school, my mom bought me a Frosty and that was basically all I ate for a day.  I go back to work tomorrow night so hopefully he will be feeling better by then.
I picked up a new book from the library this week.  I know they say you are not supposed to pick out books by the cover but I always do and I am rarely disappointed.  I frequently browse the Target bestsellers and then go home and put the books on my hold list at the library.  Have you read any good books lately that I should take on our upcoming beach trip?
I used some of my bowling prize money from last week to buy myself a present.  I picked up this Merona brand watch at Target last week for $19.99. They also have a similar one in gold, found here.

I like to think it is similar to this Michael Kors one which is way out of my budget since we have really been trying to save money.  The gold one is even closer to the MK look, but I tend to prefer silver.
Here's my Layla Jane.  She gets jealous when I try to blog and likes to stick her head between me and my laptop.
We previously joked that Layla was the only lab in the world that couldn't swim.  She loves water and she loves to splash in it, etc. but as for swimming she wanted no part.  We worked with her all summer at the lake trying to get her not to be afraid to jump into the water.  She had definitely made some progress but was by no means an expert.  Before we headed to the lake over the weekend I got her a new toy for the lake in hopes of encouraging her to want to swim.  It was an Aussie Floaties shark toy.  We tossed it out in the water and while she was hesitant the first few times, she finally started jumping in and going after the toy and she loved it!  She is finally swimming like a normal lab!  I wish I had some pictures, but I don't.
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1 comment:

  1. That's so funny that Layla wouldn't swim! Airlie learned from peer-pressure from other labs :-)
