Friday, September 6, 2013

Five on Friday!

 We started meal planning this week.  So far we are 4 days in and we have followed the plan exactly.  Hopefully we will make it through the week without a hitch.  We may switch days on the weekend meals depending what day Eric heads out to the golf course.  But overall we spent way less money on food this week and have tried a few new things that will go into the regular rotation.  See earlier posts for this week here - Siracha Honey Lime Chicken & Fried Green Tomatoes.
Five more work shifts stand between me and our trip to the OBX.  I can't wait for a week relaxing at the beach (& pool) with a book in my hand and hanging out with friends.  The countdown is on!! (Let's be honest, it's been on since we planned this trip in July).  Also thanks to my Gramma we were able to add a summer 2014 beach trip to the calendar for next summer so we are pretty excited about that as well.
It's officially football season and my Hoos pulled off their season opener against BYU last weekend!  The Redskins open Monday Night Football against the Eagles in a few days and for once I actually have Monday off of work.  
I am also playing Fantasy Football this year and I've never played before but I am in 2 leagues.  One of my leagues drafted when I was at work and had no idea that it was happening so my team isn't the greatest.  But I am pretty happy with my other team.  We had a live draft at Bdubs which was really fun.  I am also in a couple pick 'em leagues too but I'm not so sure I know quite enough about football to actually do well at that.  I know about my own teams but not all the teams.
Fall/Winter bowling season started again last night.  Our team this year is called We Don't Give a Split.  The last few league seasons we have placed around 6th place or so.  We will see how we do this year.  I'm slacking this season and we don't have shirts yet so I am looking into it now.  Also I am literally the worst bowler in the entire league, but it's fun and I love having once a week where I never have to work and can get to get together with friends.
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  1. I absolutely LOVE that quote - it's the screensaver for my iPhone and computer! :)

    And don't you love meal planning (well, maybe not the work, but the result)?? I need to get back on the bandwagon!!

  2. Glad to hear meal planning is going well!!! You're going to motivate me to start :)

  3. Meal planning is going well. I will recap on Monday with this coming week's meal plan!
