Friday, October 4, 2013

5 on Friday!

My iPhone 5S came on Monday even though the shipping estimate was October 21st-30th!  I got the gold one and I love it! :)

May & October are my favorite months of the year!  I am excited for all things fall related this month, starting with the Graves Mountain Lodge Apple Festival this weekend and ending with a vacation at the end of the month!


I'm excited for the return of fall TV.  Some of my favorites are back.  Nashville, Revenge, Top Chef, etc.  I also recorded Super Fun Night the other day and watched it but it was not as good as I wanted it to be.


Check out my lemon cake debacle from Monday here.


I'm so happy to be in the midst of 4 days off.  Things have been insanely busy at work lately and I worked some overtime last week.  It's so nice to have the whole weekend off (to include Sunday night which doesn't count as a weekend on night shift)'s a luxury for a hospital nurse like me!

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