Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Eat Local Wednesday 10.2

It's CSA pickup day and today's portion including: cooking greens, lettuce, sweet potatoes, onions, currant tomatoes & heirloom popcorn.  I'm kind of excited about the popcorn, I can't remember the last time I actually had non microwave popcorn.  Actually I can, it was the first time I ever went to my friend Katherine's apartment when she moved to Culpeper and she said do you want to make some popcorn and then whipped out her air popper.  I might have thought she was crazy, now I just know the girl loves popcorn! :)

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  1. Hey! I can't respond to your email as it says you're a new reply blogger so it blocks me! :(
    I'd love to do a guest post for you. Send me some details via email! :)
