Sunday, July 28, 2013

Sunday Social

I'm linking up with A Complete Waste of Makeup today for the Sunday Social.  
1. If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Probably shrimp.  I love shrimp all kinds of ways - steamed/spiced, fried, in pasta, in tacos, etc.  Here are few of my favorite shrimp recipes.   

2. What’s your guilty pleasure/comfort food?
Chips and Salsa.  I love basically any and all kinds of salsa.  Here are a few of my favorite recipes.

3. What’s the weirdest/craziest thing you’ve ever eaten?
Anyone who knows me knows that I am not an adventurous eater.  I am the person that goes to a restaurant and tries one thing and if I like it, I will order that same thing every time I go to the restaurant.  I can't really even think of anything adventurous I have eaten unless you count ordering things off of a menu in Germany when I don't know any German and had no idea what I was going to get.  That was a failure by the way.

4. What foods do you avoid at all costs?
Raw fish.  Eric swears up and down that I would like tuna steak but I just can't bring myself to eat it because of how raw it is in the center.  I also won't eat any sushi with raw fish in it.  I always get crab or shrimp type rolls.
5. What meal reminds you of your childhood?
Chicken Surprise.  My friend Megan's mom made this for us one time to thank us for letting her stay with us while they were out of town.  It's actually my friend Clay's mom's recipe.  But once we ate it, my mom got the recipe and it just stuck.  She made it all the time and every time we were having guests.  I should mention it was not actually called Chicken Surprise.  Our family named it that after asking my mom what was for dinner so many times and her responding "Chicken, surprise!".  Here is a link to the recipe on Megan's blog. 

6. Share one of your favorite recipes and the story behind it.
This is a new recipe that I made for the first time on Tuesday but oh my goodness, it was so good.  Since then we have been talking about this Grilled Eggplant Pizza ever since.  It was our first time ever grilling a pizza and now we have just been thinking of so many different possibilities.  It really is good and it was a great way to use some of the veggies we grow or get from our CSA.
Thanks for stopping by!
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1 comment:

  1. I'm the same way when I go to a restaurant, I'll eat the same thing everytime. Looks like you have some great recipes on your blog!
