Well it's a rainy gross day here and so I decided to finally decorate my mantle for fall. I've had my fall decorations box sitting out for a couple of weeks but hadn't gotten around to putting anything out yet. Now I will say that I don't claim to be a good decorator (or photographer) but I just pieced together what I've got. Every year I add a new piece or two. This year I picked up the little orange & black glass owl all the way on the right. I also made the leaf garland today. The lighting in our living room leaves a lot to be desired so the pictures are kind of dark but that's as good as it gets. For those who aren't from around here that's an old map of Culpeper above the mantle in a frame made by my grandfather that I got from his house after he passed away. I love maps and this one is extra special for that reason.
And just for reference what it looks like on a normal non holiday decor day.
The leaf garland was really easy to make. I just took a long piece of thread and stitched through the fabric leaves I bought online to make the garland. It's not perfect by any means but I think it's a nice seasonal touch.
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